
středa 10. srpna 2011

Roast duck with dumplings and sauerkraut - Czech specials

Cooking is just as prone to fads and fashions as the clothing industry is. Fortunately there are dishes that are always made no matter what happens to be en vogue. Roast duck with homemade dumplings and sauerkraut is one of them and rightly deserves its place as one of the permanent fixtures in the Czech national cookbook.

1 duck weighing around 1.8 kg
3 – 4 teaspoons caraway seeds
salt to season


Gut and rinse the duck, remove the rump and coat with salt inside and out. Sprinkle with caraway seeds and place on the roasting tray. Pour over a little water then roast on both sides until golden brown. Fattier parts of the bird should be pricked with a fork during roasting so that the fat oozes out. This should be used to baste the duck when still in the oven thus preventing the less fatty parts from drying out. Take the fat off the top of the juices in the bottom of the roasting tray. Pour in some hot water and boil for a short time, then pass through a sieve. Then put the fat back in and mix well.

The ideal accompaniments to roast duck are bread or potato dumplings and white or red sauerkraut. Other alternatives include boiled potatoes and various salads.

14 komentářů:

  1. stop stop Gabriela.... i can not more ! too good ! ....
    I need a little digestif ! ...

  2. :)) this is very yummy, Dora ... and with red wine or beer :)

  3. I come to herefor more yummy food!Ilove sauerkruat.Motheruse tofix it for us...Never wantede duck,I thought it was to bad forus...I try to keep fit,lost around 25pounds in afew

  4. Thank you, dear Audrey and Kenneth :)

  5. Looks delicious, dear Gabriela . I like chicken ;)) , turkey, and duck ♡

  6. :)) thank you, dear Keiko ... it is very delicious :)

  7. I like duck so the picture makes me hungry. Thank you for the tip about pricking with a fork to let the fat run out. I didn't know to do this. Do you have a recipe for sauerkraut you can post sometime?

  8. I copied the cabbage recipe today. Thanks so much.

  9. Hi Gabriela... just found your theme site a bit ago from another multiply friend...and then came here. The word Czech caught my eye because that is my heritage. My grandparents came to the U.S. from Czechoslavakia in 1905. I grew up having roast duck as the main meat at the pic brngs back wonderful memories. I love it, and have not had it in quite a few years now though. I'm going to fix it for myself this Thanksgiving! (divorced now, I can do whatever I Loving the freedom at age almost 60.) You do beautiful work. It as nice to meet you. Have a wonderful day and weekend. Have not read much yet, so I'm not sure where you are at. I'm in Texas. It's almost 3 p.m Saturday here as I write this. Hugs to you and thank your for sharing you themes. Grace
