
čtvrtek 23. července 2009

Trip to the Budapest

That Budapest - one of the most beautiful cities in the world – has developed where it is, is not down to some historical accident. Take a look at Gellért Hill, right next to the River Danube as it flows majestically through the centre of the modern city. It was precisely the combination of the relative ease of crossing the River here and the natural protection the hill offered against invasion that decided the earliest settlers it was the ideal place to build a town. The Eravisci, a tribe of highly cultured Celts, had already settled at Gellért Hill in the third and fourth centuries B.C. They worked with iron, decorated their earthenware pots and even minted their own coins. Later, the Romans built a settlement at today’s Óbuda. They called it Aquincum and it was an important station along the limes which ran alongside the River Danube.

PhotobucketThe capital city of Hungary, Budapest, was created out of the unification of the separate historic towns of Buda, Pest and Óbuda in 1873. Whilst the area had been inhabited from early times, it was from this date that the city’s expansion into a world capital really began. Budapest is bisected by the River Danube, with the city as much a natural geographical centre as it is the country’s transport hub. Covering an area of two hundred square miles and divided into 23 administrative districts, it is home today to a population of 1.8 million people.

PhotobucketFlowing north to south through the centre of the city is the mighty River Danube. Buda and Óbuda, comprising roughly a third of the total, are situated mainly in the hills to the west, with commercial Pest on the plains to the east. There are three islands – Óbuda Island, Margaret Island and Csepel Island – and nine bridges, two of which carry railway lines.

PhotobucketBudapest possesses a rich and fascinating history as well as a vibrant cultural heritage. Recognizing the unique value of its traditions it has managed to maintain its magic and charm, and is rightly known as the Queen of the Danube. It has also been called the City of Spas, as there are a dozen thermal baths complexes served by over a hundred natural thermal springs.

18 komentářů:

  1. Nagyon szép képek, de én nem szívesen laknék Budapesten!
    Sok puszi!

  2. azért kirándulni oda jó menni :))


  4. Koszonom, Eszter....nekem a szuleim voltak magyarok, de én már itt, Csehországban élek.


  5. Kedves Gabriella!

    A kedves szószerint érhető...valóban nagyon kedves vagy, sőt még nagyon szép is..csak úgy ragyok az arcod a kedvességtől...
    Az én szüleim is magyarok voltak,,, sőt én is, míg nem jöttem hollandiába férjhez..vagy 30 éve már..szeretek itt, de otthon is... kétlaki vagyok..
    Büszkék lehetnek szüleid hogy ilyen lányuk van. és arra is, hogy Te ilyen jól beszélsz magyarul.Örülök, hogy meismerhettelek.

  6. Nagyon koszonom, kedves Eszter....akkor Te is kulfoldon élsz...én is férjhez jottem, és már 25 éve ílek itt....nagyon koszonom a szavaidat, és bisztos meglátogatom az oldaladat :)
    Sok szeretettel

  7. Kedves Gabi!
    Köszönöm a válaszod.. az én oldalam messze nem olyan szép mint a tiéd... nagyon kezdő vagyok..és nem saját készítésű oldal. Kivánok nagyon szép hétvégét, szeretettel:Eszter

  8. Nagyon koszonom, kedves Eszter, én is gyonyoru hétvéget kívánok neked, sok pihenéssel...szeretettel


  9. Nagyon koszonom, hogy meglátogattál ;)

  10. Velmi zajímavou historii Gabriela - a máte velmi krásné zemi příliš.
    Mír a láska
    Reggaeman xxx

  11. :)) thank you, dear Regaeman .... my country is Czech republic ;)

  12. Need to brush up on my geography really x

  13. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures. Some of them are familiar and bring back wonderful memories of my holiday there.


  14. My holiday every year, when I was a little and young girl and with my parents .... my
    parents was Hungarian :)

    Thank you, dear Wanita

  15. That is so cool. Thanks for telling me. Having a connection with two countries is awesome.
